Guthrie Virtual School originates from Guthrie Common School District. Guthrie, Texas is the county seat of King County and is located ninety-six miles east of Lubbock and ninety miles northwest of Abilene. Guthrie has a rich history and is proud to be the home of the world-famous 6666 Ranch. Guthrie Virtual School serves students across the state of Texas through the Texas Virtual School Network.

Current students, access your current courses here.
Prospective students, see what courses we offer.
Guthrie Virtual School works closely with ROSETTA STONE in delivering a world-class, online second-language learning experience. Check out the partnership case study published by ROSETTA STONE.
If you are a Guthrie Virtual School student, parent, or receiving school campus facilitator or counselor, we want to hear about your experience this semester. Please take a few minutes to leave us feedback.